Saturday, May 26, 2007

scenes from my life

While around my kitchen, my mom discovers a few choice liquor bottles and a case of beer.

Hey, what do you use this for? (holding up a bottle of Everclear I had long forgotten I had.)

Oh that? Um well we use it to make Jello shots.

Jello? Shot?

Yeah, it's Jello with a little bit of alcohol in it. Just for parties.

Mom (who is a hospital pharmacist)
Oh. You know - we use Everclear to compound drugs. Isn't it pure alcohol? It's very strong. You kids use this for drinking?

Um it's not really for drinking... it's for Jello... (trailing off unintelligibly)

Friday, May 25, 2007

dream of californication

Still living the SoCal fantasy. And wondering why the hell I didn't grow up there. And then admitting that even if I did, I probably would have been one of the dorky Asian math-whiz kids instead of the rebel hipster type.

Thank you Anthony and the RHCP for being the bright spot in my otherwise dreary USMLE-studying days. Your autobiography, Scar Tissue, has proven to be a vastly informative resource for studying the toxicology of cocaine and heroin.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I couldn't tell you exactly when it happened, but somewhere along the way, the stakes have risen exponentially. Suddenly, a single exam becomes the road sign in the intersection of the future, pointing you in one direction -- or, a la glass-half-empty, blocking off other directions. Suddenly, the consequences of decisions are weightier than previously imaginable (and will soon be literally life-or-death). Suddenly, the naivete of youth is no longer a credible excuse for irresponsibility.

It was never just about me, but I've been fortunate that most of the mistakes in my short life have been relatively self-contained. Make mistake, undergo distress, learn lesson, move on. No one else gets hurt. That isn't to say that I haven't committed my share of emotional warfare as well, but I can honestly say that I've done my best to play fair and minimize damage to others; I have few regrets.

But suddenly, it really really really isn't about me. It was naive to assume that my decisions, good or bad, wouldn't - or couldn't - make a huge difference to someone else. In a way it was simultaneously self-centered and self-deprecating, to believe that I was so insular that no one else could possibly be affected by my choices. Sometimes it takes some perspective to realize that you could be standing in the center of a ripple. And it's scary to think that as the stakes rise - there's no telling how far the ripple will reach.


Sunday, May 13, 2007

best surprise ever!

little girl. big car. vroom vroom.


Thursday, May 10, 2007


physically. emotionally. maturity-wise. i need to grow the f up already.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

wrong place wrong time

E says I should have been born about 7 yrs earlier, i.e. he thinks I would have embraced being a teenager in the early 90s, what with all the angsty culture and grunge rock at its peak. A valid argument, but perhaps the current San Diego/SoCal emo/angst/hipster/rock scene is enough to encompass this newly-come-into-my-own, early-adult, where-am-I-going, restless, directionlessness.