Monday, November 12, 2007

death defying!

Today I placed a PPD on my HIV+ patient. It was completely benign, just three little 27-gauge needles and three little syringes of tuberculin, candida, and aspergillus. But still. Needles! with HIV! and his blood!

My homeless HIV+ patient was so dirty that the alcohol swab I used to clean the area actually rubbed off brown dirt. Then he hacked and coughed so hard that he threw up. Awesome. Despite my little microfilter-isolation-mask, I held my breath and tried not to imagine the aerosolized particles of DISEASE floating in the air.


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

now back to reality

Wed, Halloween night: Post-call. Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum. Random creepy strangers following us around and snapping pictures on their cell phones.

Fri, my birthday: Don't remember all of it. Tons of fun at dinner, drinks, and more drinks! Friends old and new! I am so lucky to have such wonderful people in my life. =)

Sat: Brunch. Nap. Champagne & strawberries at W Hotel/Ghostbar.

Sun-Mon: On call.

Mon night: Post-call. Private suite tickets to watch Mavs vs. Rockets.

I think I have used up my quota of exciting life events within one week. Also my liver needs to recover.