Tuesday, January 29, 2008

awkward: defined

Awkward = talking to someone my own age about erectile dysfunction and his inability to, you know, keep things up long enough in order to get his wife pregnant.

1) My own age. ED with probing discussion of sexual practices and specific difficulties. Gah. Almost as awkward as doing a hernia exam on that college-aged kid.
2) My own age. Wife! Pregnant! Good Lord! Earlier this year, my bamboo plant died of blatant neglect, and those things literally live forever.
3) Why is he unable to maintain any sort of eye contact with me? And nervously laughing? Hey dude, I'm using clinical terminology, calm the f* down.

Oh right, so... I'm back from Thailand! And back at work after my glorious international jetsetting/month off. Next post on Thailand. Stay tuned.
