Thursday, September 29, 2005


Well. After a brief unsuccessful stint with xanga, I have officially decided to switch my alliance to the blogspot community. Nothing personal, you see, but here I can post pictures for free. And really, who can resist free stuff? So far my inability to resist free stuff is highly evident by the number of free pizza lunch meetings I attend for student groups I have absolutely no desire to join. As an aside, all the student groups in med school are things like "Orthopedic Surgery Interest Group" or "Pediatrics Interest Group" or "Dermatology Interest Group" or "Anesthesiology Interest Group"... you get the idea. Okay med school people, I get it, we're all nerds here, but I KNOW someone out there has some non-medical interests. Or maybe no one does, and that's even scarier.
Anyway, after last Monday's killer biochem exam, a couple of us skipped Tuesday classes (gasp! the rebellion!) and headed out to the lake for some fun in the sun. Apparently boating is a very popular pastime here in Texas (who knew?) and everyone else knew how to wakeboard except for me. Cue awkward embarrassment. As long as I'm trying new things in med school, (soccer! dance!) I figured I might as well try this. So we dragged our post-exam-hungover selves out of bed at 9am and headed to Grapevine Lake outside Dallas. Thus, my day in pictures.
the boat

the girls

the guys

the sun... in our eyes

here i go...

hey look! i'm wakeboarding!

uh oh... gah... crap...


It's harder than it looks! Let us just say, I spent more time wiping out than actually wakeboarding. And there was no jumping or changing directions or other such cool tricks to be performed by me. Also, crashing headfirst into the water at 20mph (multiple times) gives you a bit of a headache. Now it is time for me to return to my normal boring life. Anatomy, here I come. Oh, but Nhan is visiting for the weekend!! =)



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