Sunday, October 2, 2005

time flies

The weekend has passed, and Nhan's visit has come to an end. After being apart for so long, it's funny how you stop actively realizing how much you miss someone until they visit and leave again. By now, the distance is status quo and it hardly ever bothers me. But tonight I cried at the airport. Yes, I'm a baby, now shut up about it.

Other than that, we had a relaxing weekend hanging out, swimming, watching movies, and other quiet activities that you might attribute to a middle-aged couple as opposed to young sprightly early-20-somethings. The truth is out - we're lame. However, we did break in my 6-for-$3 set of Ikea wine glasses. It was also a great weekend gastronomically speaking. The excitement of seeing Nhan spilled over into my other great love - food. Over the course of the weekend, I made a fresh strawberry pie with a graham cracker crust and whipped cream (well okay, Cool Whip), oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, walnut chocolate chip cookies, breakfast fajitas, spaghetti and meatballs with meat sauce, and grilled pork skewers with sauteed spinach. Oh and we went out for sushi. And had 2 boxes of Cheez-its besides.

Sometimes I wonder if I should have gone to culinary school instead.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm surprised you're not fat with all the food you make. how do you do it?! anyways, glad you and nhan had a great time. thanks for trying to house me last month and sorry it never happened lol. i might be coming up oct 14th weekend, so i'll give you a call. love you ~~shells


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