Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Estoy fria y mojada porque Jon y Neil insistieron en que echar agua fria sobre mi cabeza.

I woke up at 8am still drunk. It is now 9:30 and I still am. Off to class.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

super quick update

Life somehow got exponentially busier when classes began. I should have known. My eating/sleeping/workout schedule revolves around studying.

Sun Aug. 27: 7-10pm show at Pearl. Damn, I really hope this music freelancing thing doesn't cause me to fail out of med school. I was also supposed to write/arrange more music for future performances but that's obviously not going to happen for this one.

And yet... not gonna lie, I'm loving the non-med-school-ness of it.

Mon Aug. 28: 9am-12pm immunology exam
Tues Aug. 29: 9am-12pm pharmacology exam
later that week: (underwear) party at my place? umm - depends on exhaustion level. And somehow find time in between to work out, eat, sleep, and play soccer as well.

Today I also found out 2 friends and I made it to final callbacks for a hair model call we randomly entered last week at the Aveda Salon. Perks include free haircut/color/style of their choosing and $200 to be in their hair model fashion show... or whatever it is these fancy salon people do at their fancy hair conventions at fancy hotels. At first we thought it was literally a HAIR model call but then they took face/body Polaroids, wrote down our height and clothing sizes, etc. and asked if we had previous modeling experience.

Whatever, free haircut. I just hope I don't end up with pink hair.


Saturday, August 19, 2006


I love my new capo. After a night of going out, my voice is mellower, more sultry, and I can easily reach the low E below middle C instead of struggling and sounding like a dying cow. This is probably why I don't sing in public and only pretend to do the whole singer-songwriter thing with my guitar in the privacy of my own home. Except for that one night at karaoke singing Bon Jovi's "It's my Life."

I have also decided that the sliding friction of a callous on a guitar string - e.g. during chord transitions - is probably the sexiest sound ever.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

you know your parents got busy...

Facebook is reminding me faithfully about birthdays, and mid-to-late August is showing a TON of birthdays. I mean, sometimes my friends' birthday list will show like one person. Since Aug 13-15 alone has 15 people, it made me stop and think.

A lot of parents got busy around Christmastime.

Monday, August 7, 2006


Introducing... the Mistura Quartet. Violinist and cellist are music grad students at SMU, violist is a Juilliard/Yale graduate, and yours truly on violin/guitar.

I'm finally getting back into performing(!) after a year-long hiatus from all music due to this thing called med school. There's a live music bar/club downtown called Pearl, and the owners just really love live music in general. Each night of the week has a different theme/genre (rock, jazz, salsa, Irish, blues, "international," classical, etc.) We'll be playing there regularly all year on Sunday classical nights, with our own original acoustic rock, Broadway, jazz, etc. arrangements thrown in for fun. I met the owners last week and they seem awesome; the bar itself is all black leather and sleek chrome. There's also a VIP room and an upstairs gallery for local artists.

The official grand opening is this Saturday night. We take the stage Sunday night, Aug. 13 at 8pm. I'm so excited I'd probably do it just for fun... but I certainly won't complain about being paid (and we keep a cut of the bar tabs too! and tips!) Maybe this might even give me a life outside of med school... hello artsy types in downtown Dallas.


Thursday, August 3, 2006

oops again

I have acquired another pair of Citizens and a caramel brown leather tote. The Citizens arrived at my home exactly 24 hours after I ordered them online. I highly recommend

After this weekend I really will stop. My mom, a.k.a. Polo Enthusiast Extraordinaire, is making a cameo in Dallas for tax-free weekend. My dad is coming too, but I think he just comes along to keep my mom company on the 4.5 hr drive.

Some random thoughts:
-Today was officially my last unofficial day of work. Translation: I gave notice that I am not showing up for work tomorrow or Friday. Suck it, cardiology team.
-Simon's Sushi is amazing. More reaffirmation that the path to my heart is definitely through my stomach.
-I ran 3 miles on my sprained left ankle today. I'll try again tomorrow and see how bad the pain is.
-Sandalwood incense is extremely soothing. I'm well on my way towards full-fledged pyromania.

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

project complete

Apartment redecoration is finished. Smooth stones in blown-glass bowls, rock/leaf prints on the wall in walnut wood frames, bamboo, burgundy window curtains, cream-colored papasan, striped burgundy throw pillows, and new matching towel set later, I feel more at peace at home. Since buying incense (opium, sandalwood, patchouli, and musk incense cones - which by the way all smell like plain "incense" to me), I have also become a bit of a pyro. I realize it's sort of a faux-Asian-zen theme with the incense and bamboo and silk brocade wine bottle covers and all... oh the irony of a real Asian being faux Asian.