Tuesday, August 22, 2006

super quick update

Life somehow got exponentially busier when classes began. I should have known. My eating/sleeping/workout schedule revolves around studying.

Sun Aug. 27: 7-10pm show at Pearl. Damn, I really hope this music freelancing thing doesn't cause me to fail out of med school. I was also supposed to write/arrange more music for future performances but that's obviously not going to happen for this one.

And yet... not gonna lie, I'm loving the non-med-school-ness of it.

Mon Aug. 28: 9am-12pm immunology exam
Tues Aug. 29: 9am-12pm pharmacology exam
later that week: (underwear) party at my place? umm - depends on exhaustion level. And somehow find time in between to work out, eat, sleep, and play soccer as well.

Today I also found out 2 friends and I made it to final callbacks for a hair model call we randomly entered last week at the Aveda Salon. Perks include free haircut/color/style of their choosing and $200 to be in their hair model fashion show... or whatever it is these fancy salon people do at their fancy hair conventions at fancy hotels. At first we thought it was literally a HAIR model call but then they took face/body Polaroids, wrote down our height and clothing sizes, etc. and asked if we had previous modeling experience.

Whatever, free haircut. I just hope I don't end up with pink hair.



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