Monday, October 3, 2005

tighty whities

Anatomy lab is easily one of the most amusing things about med school thus far. Sure, it's a great learning experience, with the wielding of the scalpel and the probing of the cadaver and whatnot; but that, my friends, is not the source of the hilarity of which I speak. Oh no. My amusement is much, much more juvenile. Allow me to explain.

We are required to wear scrubs to anatomy lab. This seems to serve two purposes: first, respect for the donors' bodies by being all, you know, medical; and second, since the odor of formalin sinks into clothing/hair/skin, no one wants to ruin perfectly good street clothes. Also, the fat globules from cadavers leave oily stains... and boy, does "Fatty Patty" have a lot of fat.

Okay, so we wear scrubs. Big deal, right? Well, we also each have a carrel (really just an individual desk within a set of conjoined classrooms) with locked drawers/shelves where we can study or store our books, scrubs, stash of granola bars, etc. Most people tend to change into their scrubs right there in the carrels just before lab. Also not a big deal - TO NORMAL PEOPLE!! To me the blatant display of grown men in tighty whities is just plain funny, which, now that I think about it, is not entirely unlike my fondness for fart humor.

So there you have it. Anatomy = changing into scrubs = witnessing tighty-whitie-clad males = hilarity! And no, I don't feel bad about laughing because hey, the girls change out in the open too, and you KNOW the guys are stealing glances.


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