Wednesday, October 4, 2006


Without fail, every year of my life has gotten "more difficult." This is not necessarily a bad thing, unless it continues indefinitely, in which case old age is not looking so good. I thought I worked hard enough in college, until thesis came along and showed me a new level entirely. Then MS1, which I'm sure I bitched about appropriately. Oh how naive I was. MS2 has raised my tolerance exponentially for continuous studying and thinking it is normal to spend literally every waking moment (except showering and sometimes eating) at a desk with my syllabus and a stack of books. I think my greatest wish right now is to have the ability to not have to stop to eat or sleep.

Currently subsisting on coffee, tea, more coffee, Cheez-its, Chunky Chips Ahoy, and the 24-hr Jack-in-the-Box near campus.

The scary thing is, I'm sure next year I'll look back at MS2 and STILL say "Oh how naive I was."



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