Sunday, December 3, 2006

three cheers

...for Old Nassau. Apparently Princeton ties die hard. After Friday with the school-sponsored holiday dinner party and Republic afterwards, I was beginning to doubt whether I had the energy for G's (P '04) bday party Saturday night. A was kind enough to come with me, and it turned out to be a lot of fun. Hanging out with non-med-school people is really refreshing, even if we didn't quite fit this particular demographic: white, yuppie, attractive, preppy/trendy, finance/ibankers. That, and we were the first two females to arrive at what began as a beer-and-football gathering of the good-old-boys' club. Walking up the stairs of his three-story uptown townhouse, an initial wave of social anxiety hit me for about 30 seconds until G's genuine happy friendliness (and drunkenness?) warmed me over like a strong whisky eggnog. We're talking volatile-fumes strong. With giant chocolate-chip cookies that G baked himself. I love holiday-season parties.

Anyway G just might be my biggest groupie in Dallas, and I think he succeeded in overinflating my ego with undeserved lavish praise to anyone within earshot. I must admit that I was again slightly flattered (man this guy is good). We (re)-exchanged numbers [actually saved on our cell phones this time instead of scribbled on bar napkins], drunk-dialed one of our mutual friends, and made plans for our social circles to overlap - ostensibly for random-hanging-out but obviously for meeting each others' friends.

God. I didn't think it would come to this, but it has. I have officially become a "young adult" who "networks." Whatever happened to the days when you could crush on the cute guy who sits next to you in class?



Blogger jo said...

it's mainly to protect my friends' privacy. i guess i figure that, just because i choose to share my thoughts with the internet community, doesn't mean that my friends wish to google themselves and randomly find information about themselves on my blog.


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