Monday, January 29, 2007

venus and mars

How girls deal with issues:
-imagining every possible scenario
-coming up with a plan for every possible scenario
-trying to talk about it but running into a wall of passive aggressiveness from other party
-never actually talking about it due to said passive aggressiveness
-continuing to obsess until 1) resolution (I've heard mythical stories that resolution actually exists but have yet to see it myself), or 2) excessive amounts of time pass and the issue fades

How guys deal with issues:
-passive aggressiveness
-unresolved awkwardness
-ignoring the issue until it fades, i.e. excessive amounts of time pass
-what issue?

Lesson #1: Clearly the guy wins every time, even if he has to wait >6 months for the issue to fade.
Lesson #2: Lack of resolution does not bother guys.
Lesson #3: "Women are crazy; men are stupid." This is a true statement.



Blogger angela said...

also, is it just me, or are white people really placid????!


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