Monday, February 11, 2008

not a thailand post yet

Okay, I keep procrastinating on the Thailand update. No surprise if you know me, really. It will come eventually. On a random note, I actually woke up at a decent hour today and flipped through the TV channels at 8AM on a Sunday. I quickly learned that the only things to watch early Sunday mornings are evangelical Christian shows and infomercials. Soooo... I left a Christian show on in the background as I went about making coffee and eggs. And oatmeal and blueberries. The contents of my breakfast are irrelevant. Moving on.

Apparently, the former lead guitarist of Korn, Brian "Head" Welch, has become a fervent proponent of Christianity. There he was, in all his black-eyelined, twisted-beard, tattooed-and-dreadlocked glory, sitting and giving an interview to the staid, prim, and proper hosts of this Sunday morning evangelical Christian show.

Actually, he looks kind of Jesus-ish on the cover of his book, so maybe it's appropriate after all. I'll still listen to Korn (now sans-Head), but seriously, how bizarre.



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