Sunday, January 29, 2006

gung hay fat choy

Happy Chinese New Year! Despite the repetitiveness of everything - eat/study/sleep/poop/class/lab/shower (and honestly that's all I ever do) - I'm beginning to treasure and appreciate the small moments that are far too easy to overlook these days. You have to adapt to the space you're given - like an erythrocyte in an irregularly shaped capillary - and continue along your merry way. Otherwise, you'll just get stuck, and the spleen will destroy you because your 120 days of being a functional RBC are over. Okay, that analogy kinda died towards the end. But life is good, and I'm not about to let the spleen get to me now.

Ha. Ask me in a few days when the physiology exam looms and see if I still feel that way. =)

and maybe you should sleep
and maybe you just need a friend
as clumsy as you've been
there's no one laughing

you will be safe in here

currently listening:
Our Lady Peace "Clumsy"


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