Saturday, January 21, 2006

stop the air pollution!

The other day after class, I headed to the library with a few friends for the purpose of being nerdy. Since we saw that one guy was about to leave a group study room, we decided that we'd take over said room so we could talk and be rowdy and generally cause a ruckus. It should be noted that this guy was kind of greasy-looking and more than a little overweight (Not that I have anything against that! Promise!) but we didn't think anything of it. UNTIL...

...he opened the door to the room and stepped out. Immediately, a foul rotten musty steamy fermented foot odor blasted us in the faces. Trust me, I've experienced my share of horrible smells (poop in anatomy lab, rural Chinese bathrooms, Mexican bathrooms, etc.) but this took the cake both in grossness and magnitude. I mean - it was a WHOLE study room! How can one pair of feet/shoes give rise to enough odor molecules to saturate an ENTIRE room? Needless to say, we all began laughing uncontrollably like the mature adults that we are and then proceeded to run in the other direction. I feel bad b/c I'm sure the guy heard us laughing... =(

Anyway I was reminded of that incident, for I am again at the library, and again the odorous offender is in the same group study room. He doesn't even need to freaking reserve it anymore b/c no one else would ever want to go in there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

he's still there...


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