Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Sometimes you have to be down in order to grow stronger. The hard part is figuring out whether you're really down for the count or only temporarily knocked out. Because, when you think about it, that makes all the difference between

1) knowing when to gracefully accept a loss for what it is
2) struggling to get back up only to drag out a painful finish
3) struggling to get back up and then winning

(In case it wasn't already evident, I like to make statements in bullet format. I also like to make statements in general, but let's not go there.)

I'm pretty sure I'm badly bruised and probably have a black eye or two, but I don't quite know yet whether I'm down for the count. It seems there's no sure way to know unless you go through the struggle and find out, once and for all, how this story ends. They say winners never quit and quitters never win, but really, does anyone come out a winner if you stick it out to the bitter end where everyone gets hurt more than is necessary?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

boo...where you going to be for new years? ~shelley

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lovin the extended metaphors Jo, and the "general comments." Maybe we should switch programs, I think you'd be just fine in English!

Happy beginning of Holiday Season! And hmm, I think if you're still even asking whether or not you're "down for the count," then you're still good to go...Boxers don't usually call it quits on their own volition, so stay tough, Cinderella Woman!

=) Blaise


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