Sunday, October 30, 2005

so official-looking

Parents' weekend and the MS1 white coat ceremony have come and gone... leaving me with a mess of an apartment to clean, a puffy bloated sense of having eaten way too much on my parents' tab, a lot of catch-up studying to do, and, oh yeah, my white coat. I had requested that my parents bring up my boxes of winter clothes from home, but they decided I needed food more than clothing and packed the car accordingly. Now I will freeze until Thanksgiving, unless my layer of fat from all this food keeps me warm. Things learned this weekend include the following: 1) you will always be a child in your parents' eyes, 2) my parents are surprisingly (or creepily) nosy about other people, and 3) a family of four can go through a single roll of toilet paper with astonishing speed.

This is the Chan clan. Note how normal my height appears in relation to my family... now if only this were true in the real world. I never even think about how small I must appear to others until I see myself in pictures with other (non-family-member) people. Anyway, it was really great to have the whole family together for a weekend. I guess I have been less-than-stellar as of late, and it's nice to have a physical reminder of the people who will always always be there for you. However, I can't lie - having my apartment back to myself is bliss. And I won't have to change the roll of toilet paper as often.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww, i totally miss my fellow shortie! and yea, asian parents damn nosy either say, "i dont know" and get nagged about "why you don't know?" OR you try to ignore them and they just keep on asking....

i will definitely come see you next time i'm in'll be a Johanna (& Peter) weekend =)



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