Tuesday, October 11, 2005

down but not out

I miss college. I miss you guys. The real world (if you can even call this the real world) is kind of kicking my butt right now. Maybe it's just a slump, but sometimes I find myself feeling completely inadequate and more than a little disoriented as to what exactly it is I'm doing here. The slump is partly academic, but it's more getting used to a new lifestyle and starting over with new people, things, and places. Don't get me wrong, new stuff is fun and exciting and all, but once the novelty wears off (which it has a little), I kind of wish I could fast forward a year to reach the comfort zone with people, have a bit of a routine, etc. I don't think I've ever been great with transitions - I'm more of a if-it-ain't-broke-don't-fix-it type and definitely a creature of habit - but the last time I did this was freshman year of college when I had much more energy and was WAY more bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

Okay sob session is over. Time to be a go-getter.



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