Wednesday, October 19, 2005

quick kitchen tips #3

I would be lying if I said I had made this recently... but in light of recent exams, I haven't been cooking much of anything at all. Sad, I know. Hello, fast food and high cholesterol. Anyway, just because I don't have time to prepare food doesn't mean I don't have time to think about food.


What you need:
-2 medium/large avocados
-1 lime
-1 onion
-1 tomato
-a clove of garlic
-salt and pepper

What you do:
1. Slice avocados in half and remove pits. Scoop out flesh and chop coarsely.
2. Mince the garlic as finely as you can. Dice a small amount of onion and tomato into pieces that are about 1 square cm. Try to use only the fleshy parts of the tomato, not the goopy seedy parts. You should have maybe 1/4 cup each of onion and tomato (but really, who knows... Use your own judgment, darnit).
3. Toss above ingredients together in a large bowl. It's okay if the avocado gets a little mashed up - just don't let the texture become cement-like. Squeeze in lime juice and add salt/pepper to taste. Careful, it's easy to overdo the lime.
4. Eat with tortilla chips and AMAZE your guests!

This is kind of a cop-out recipe because it requires no cooking, only chopping. But whatever, my family loves when I make this stuff. Also, I apologize for the haphazard descriptions and measurements... although that's actually a pretty accurate depiction of the way I cook anyway.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha. i make guacamole for my parents every time i go home. in fact, my parents probably still have guacamole in the fridge from when i went home last weekend.

more power to the guac.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

cilantro is good with guac too- i miss guac because its so expesive in chicago!


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