Tuesday, April 25, 2006

plagiarize THIS

Instead of studying for my upcoming neuro exam, I decided to google myself. Oh come on, it's not like you haven't done it before. And anyway, it was infinitely more interesting than whatever it is I'm supposed to be learning. Especially because, even though you obviously know all about your own life, you may not have known just how much OTHER people out in internet-cyber-world can also find out all about your life.

In my case, I already knew about this. And I even knew about this, insofar that I remember posing for that particular picture. That's probably embarrassing enough, (it was for Distractions! It's supposed to be goofy!)... but the juxtaposition of the other images that Google decided to display is priceless.

What I did NOT know about, however, was THIS:
[PDF] CB News Network – May 2004 44 E in this P
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML... http://www.cbnewsnetwork.com 44 E in this P By J****** C***, Princeton Diversions Directions There are 44 expressions in this puzzle. Get it? ... www.cbnewsnetwork.com/ issue_09/44e_in_p_(answer_key).pdf - Supplemental Result - Similar pages

First of all... what the heck is CB News Network? Secondly, in college I wrote for a publication called Princeton Distractions, not Diversions. Thirdly, how did these CB people even find this from long long ago once-upon-a-time? I didn't even keep all of our old back issues. Fourthly, hello blatant internet plagiarism! Neither Matt nor Gabe [the editors from that time] nor I have ever heard from these people asking permission to reprint our work. Actually we've never even heard of them.

Not that it was ingenious work or anything; it's just odd to suddenly find your name slapped across something in some online publication, and odder still to be cited inaccurately. Even more amusing - some parts of the puzzle are unsolvable unless you WENT to Princeton (e.g. 11 EC on the S = 11 eating clubs on the Street)*. The CB people didn't even bother to edit out the Princeton-specific questions.

Matt says we should sue.

*10 now, apparently, if Campus really did shut down in 2005. Whoever heard of the Prospect 10?

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Saturday, April 22, 2006


In the span of the last 7 days, I have purchased:

-Nine West black leather round-toe pumps
-Nine West brown leather and houndstooth tweed round-toe pumps
-Nine West navy loafer-style pumps
-Seychelles chocolate brown twist-toe suede wedges
-three funky Urban Outfitters tanks/blousons
-light blue Polo oxford
-pale pink short-sleeved Polo
-cream canvas and metallic brown/gold leather Kenneth Cole hobo bag

Ridiculous sale/outlet prices on all. Yet something tells me it may be time to stop.

In other close-to-end-of-MS1-year news, if any of you happen to get cuts or gashes, I now know how to administer local anesthetic and stitch you up. I can burn or freeze off your warts. I am the proud owner of a Littman Cardiology III stethoscope (with my name engraved, no less! I love me some o' that monogramming! Product + personalization= awesomeness). Technically I can distinguish abnormal heart sounds, but let's be realistic here: at this point it's cool just playing with the darn thing. I know enough about psychiatric and mood/personality disorders to suspect I have a few of them. I know lots of stuff about how the body works, but little about how to treat it.

In other words, it's been a year, yet my set of skills is questionable at best. I'm really good at picking fat off dead people though. That, and cramming.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

world = upside down

This is so not where I thought I would be with relationships at this point in my life. So not. So so very NOT.

Last night I dreamed about my own death and funeral. It was surprisingly satisfying - like taking a huge whiff of a sulfurous rotten egg, despite anticipating how disgusting it's going to be.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

come oooonnnn win!

Soccer, kickball, and volleyball have all failed me. In a last-ditch attempt to win a much-coveted IM championship t-shirt, softball and dodgeball are up next. The only problem is that I'm much better with big balls... not so sure how well I will handle the little softball one. My experience is much more extensive with big balls, thank you very much.

Saturday, April 8, 2006


Tuesday, April 4, 2006


nytimes.com has a brand-new layout. As of, well, today.
shopbop.com recently (within a few months ago) did a complete overhaul of their site.

This, my friends, is not a minor event. Wherefore art thou, my routine links and navigation? I knew exactly where to scroll over to you before, even with my eyes closed. What is this "updating" all about? And the new font and point size? I'm not so good with change: routine = comfort.

Clearly, nytimes.com has done its part to throw me off today. I'm kidding. Sort of.

what a waste

NCAA championship game = hugely anticlimactic. After a while, I started vacuuming and didn't bother to watch the end.

ANY other game would have been more exciting. LSU vs. Texas. Gonzaga vs. UCLA. GMU vs. UConn. Actually, any other game, period. In any case, I ended up second in my bracket pool with stupid winner-take-all rules. Winnings, by the way, are a total of one dollar each from the 5 losers. You may scoff, but do you KNOW how much 5 dollars can buy?? At least 2 packs of highlighters! Highlighters are pretty valuable currency here in med-school-land, along with multi-color packs of pens. If you're ever stumped for ideas for a present for me, remember: colored pens (medium ballpoint, and preferably Papermate retractable ones). I freely admit that I am a cheap date and easily satisfied.

In other championship news, today we lost our IM volleyball championship game. The other team had originally signed up for the men's competitive league, but eventually joined our league (the coed social league) by default when they ended up being the only team in the men's competitive league. Their team easily had a combined 8 feet and several hundred pounds over us. I thought we were going to get massacred, but it turned out 25-21, 25-23. I even served an ace or two. What the hell, man - I could have gotten an IM champion t-shirt. Honestly, getting one of those puppies would probably be one of my proudest accomplishments at UTSW... people here are really freaking competitive. In sports. In academics. In LIFE.
