Tuesday, April 25, 2006

plagiarize THIS

Instead of studying for my upcoming neuro exam, I decided to google myself. Oh come on, it's not like you haven't done it before. And anyway, it was infinitely more interesting than whatever it is I'm supposed to be learning. Especially because, even though you obviously know all about your own life, you may not have known just how much OTHER people out in internet-cyber-world can also find out all about your life.

In my case, I already knew about this. And I even knew about this, insofar that I remember posing for that particular picture. That's probably embarrassing enough, (it was for Distractions! It's supposed to be goofy!)... but the juxtaposition of the other images that Google decided to display is priceless.

What I did NOT know about, however, was THIS:
[PDF] CB News Network – May 2004 44 E in this P
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML... http://www.cbnewsnetwork.com 44 E in this P By J****** C***, Princeton Diversions Directions There are 44 expressions in this puzzle. Get it? ... www.cbnewsnetwork.com/ issue_09/44e_in_p_(answer_key).pdf - Supplemental Result - Similar pages

First of all... what the heck is CB News Network? Secondly, in college I wrote for a publication called Princeton Distractions, not Diversions. Thirdly, how did these CB people even find this from long long ago once-upon-a-time? I didn't even keep all of our old back issues. Fourthly, hello blatant internet plagiarism! Neither Matt nor Gabe [the editors from that time] nor I have ever heard from these people asking permission to reprint our work. Actually we've never even heard of them.

Not that it was ingenious work or anything; it's just odd to suddenly find your name slapped across something in some online publication, and odder still to be cited inaccurately. Even more amusing - some parts of the puzzle are unsolvable unless you WENT to Princeton (e.g. 11 EC on the S = 11 eating clubs on the Street)*. The CB people didn't even bother to edit out the Princeton-specific questions.

Matt says we should sue.

*10 now, apparently, if Campus really did shut down in 2005. Whoever heard of the Prospect 10?

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