Tuesday, April 4, 2006

what a waste

NCAA championship game = hugely anticlimactic. After a while, I started vacuuming and didn't bother to watch the end.

ANY other game would have been more exciting. LSU vs. Texas. Gonzaga vs. UCLA. GMU vs. UConn. Actually, any other game, period. In any case, I ended up second in my bracket pool with stupid winner-take-all rules. Winnings, by the way, are a total of one dollar each from the 5 losers. You may scoff, but do you KNOW how much 5 dollars can buy?? At least 2 packs of highlighters! Highlighters are pretty valuable currency here in med-school-land, along with multi-color packs of pens. If you're ever stumped for ideas for a present for me, remember: colored pens (medium ballpoint, and preferably Papermate retractable ones). I freely admit that I am a cheap date and easily satisfied.

In other championship news, today we lost our IM volleyball championship game. The other team had originally signed up for the men's competitive league, but eventually joined our league (the coed social league) by default when they ended up being the only team in the men's competitive league. Their team easily had a combined 8 feet and several hundred pounds over us. I thought we were going to get massacred, but it turned out 25-21, 25-23. I even served an ace or two. What the hell, man - I could have gotten an IM champion t-shirt. Honestly, getting one of those puppies would probably be one of my proudest accomplishments at UTSW... people here are really freaking competitive. In sports. In academics. In LIFE.



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