Tuesday, February 7, 2006

it's complicated

I like how facebook.com has the option "It's Complicated" under Relationship Status. Methinks it is highly underused and underrated.

In related news, facebook.com is also the only means by which I have seen pictures of my little brother in a while. In the time I was away at college and now med school, he's gotten all big and grown-up and stuff. It's scary how much he looks like the young, 70s version of my dad.

And now for some indispensable words of wisdom for the day: try not to get pulled over for speeding. Especially in a school zone. Especially 17 mph over the limit. Especially 5 min before school zone effective hours end. Today I skipped class to spend the better part of my afternoon waiting in line at municipal court. While downtown, I also deposited every last cent of change I own in the parking meter and a homeless guy's cup. You know, as if the couple hundred bucks in fines and court fees weren't enough. On the plus side, I saw a couple of cool-looking restaurants while driving around downtown Dallas and didn't even get lost.

There's an upside to everything.


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