Monday, March 26, 2007

fun with geography

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Sunday, March 25, 2007

sunday morning ritual

NYTimes Sunday Styles section, hazelnut coffee, and sunlight streaming through my open windows. It's strange how I can't start my week any other way.

In other fashion news, I think my Blue Cults must be magical: no other item in my wardrobe has gotten as much attention from males and females alike, and they're just jeans. It's one thing for your friends to notice and comment, but while I was in line at the West Village Starbucks, a random girl actually got up from her table to ask about my jeans. And then proceeded to ask me for jeans insight and advice. Apparently she was sick of wearing Sevens and Citizens and looking like every other girl... she wanted to look unique (her words). Oh the irony.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

skills i wish i had

-changing flat tires without help
-changing the oil in my car
-fixing things that malfunction
-knowing how cars and computers work
-being organized
-having willpower to get work/workouts done
-having the foresight to think actions through

Friday, March 16, 2007

the office

I recently saw my first episode of The Office. Despite hearty recommendations from many a friend, I just never watched it for some reason. Okay, several reasons: never being home, not really watching TV in general, arbitrarily limiting myself to following only one show and (not-so-)arbitrarily designating Grey's... but come to think of it, The Office fits neatly into the 30-min slot before Grey's. I'm going to give it a chance, and will probably end up raising my arbitrary limit to two.

The episode I saw wasn't particularly life-changing or sidesplitting. I mean, it was funny, but not addictively so (at least not yet). This seems like one of those absurdist humor shows that grows on you until you can't believe you ever thought it was anything less than spectacularly hilarious. Kind of like Family Guy. Or Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Actually, no, that's always going to be a terrible show.

I will admit the following: about 5 minutes into the episode, I thought, Thank God my chosen career setting won't be a boring corporate prison. And then I immediately thought, I'm an idiot, this is about as realistic as the hospitals in ER or Grey's. And then a third thought, Crap, what do I know, I have zero work experience in either of those places.

Until then, I'll be watching TV on Thursday evenings.


Sunday, March 11, 2007

wake up

Once in a while, you see yourself as the world does, and then you wonder how you were so clueless and naive all along. In that moment of shock and self-doubt and -loathing, it's hard to remember that maybe a rude awakening is a good thing. It's an opportunity to grow and change. To admit to your character flaws. To be constantly reminded of the enormous blessing of friends and family who see through you and know your ugliest faults... and graciously accept you anyway.


Friday, March 2, 2007

spring break!!

I never experienced the crazy college spring break ritual. Apparently now is as good a time as any to make up for it. Especially with over 20 other med students who are all equally "mature" and past the "drinking till you don't remember" phase.

On an unrelated note, this has put a huge smile on my face to kick off spring break.