Wednesday, October 25, 2006

random thoughts

It's official. I am a 70-year-old man.

-I wear argyle sweater vests
-I take mid-afternoon naps whenever possible
-I love oatmeal for breakfast
-I will almost always order a dirty martini
-or a Bloody Mary
-or a vodka/gin and tonic
-I eat dinner at 5pm b/c I get too hungry to wait any longer
-don't worry, I eat dinner #2 at 11pm or whenever the library/Starbucks kicks me out
-I have neck and lower back pain, which is directly proportional to the proximity of the next exam
-I am set in my ways. Change in routine does not come easily to me. Same brands of highlighters/pens, toothpaste, gas; same favorite foods; same study places; same styles of clothing, shoes, hair (although hair modeling threw me for a loop); same taste in music/books. Basically when I find something I love, I stick with it forever. I am envisioning a 70-year-old me, still wearing Polos and pearls, still eating Cheez-its, and still buying Chevron Supreme with Techron gas.

And last but certainly not least:
-the schedule/regularity of my bowel movements is of great interest to me

* * * * *

On a completely unrelated note...
In neurology clinic today, our attending performed a complete neurological exam using me as an example. In a group of 5 people, the other 4 of whom were guys, I was the one whose tongue/throat was examined, who had to lay down on an exam table, who got poked and prodded with pins and reflex hammers, and who was asked to roll up her slacks such that the attending could run his hands up and down her legs.* Thaaaat's right. I got felt up in neurology clinic by the attending. While 4 guys watched. And you thought med school was boring.

*Okay to be fair, he was "checking for sensation" along the entire leg. But let me just say, if "checking for sensation" had happened with any of my other classmates, rumors would be flying by this time tomorrow.



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