Saturday, September 29, 2007

a day in the life

...of an MS3 on pediatric surgery:

-Arrive at 5am to pre-round on patients
-Round at 6am. Keeping it concise, I report that my post-appy pt is afebrile, making good UOP, and now eating well with no nausea/vomiting. Proceed to get yelled at for not reporting that he ate "tacos."
-Be intern's bitch and do discharge paperwork all morning on pts I've never even seen before and thus have to read the entire chart to do said paperwork. Finish approx one patient per 5 min but get yelled at anyway. "Are you STILL working? God!!"
-Fellow mumbles to me about how it's his wife's birthday and he's on call tonight and he forgot to reset the alarm for her this morning, thus making her late for work on her birthday, and also leaving their two small children with her tonight. Alone. On her birthday. Then realizes he's talking to a (idiotic, subhuman, truly worthless) med student and stops talking.
-Find out about interesting case in the afternoon and actually manage to scrub in.
-So interesting in fact that TWO attendings, a fellow, and a surgery intern also scrub in, thus leaving me an amazing view of the back of someone else's head as I am elbowed out of the way. This is also poor sterile technique, but who am I to say anything?
-Wanted to at least suture the trochar sites, but since an intern is here, she gets to do this instead. Stand there uselessly and fog up my mask due to my hasty/poor tying prior to scrubbing in.
-Begin pimptastic teaching rounds at 5pm. On a Friday. Don't you people have families to go home to?
-Before leaving, am reminded that students are "encouraged, but not required" to round on weekends. This is so freaking passive-aggressive, and I refuse to buy into it. Also I have not had a weekend off in over a month. When I receive poor evaluations I guess I'll know why.



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