Monday, May 15, 2006

i'm in med school? oh right

Today I will crack open my endocrinology syllabus for the first time, now that it is the halfway point in the time course of this class. There is one final exam determining our entire grade in this course. I have not gone to class or studied or done anything academically related for a week. Mostly this is what I have been doing recently:

-drinking (heavily)
-gambling/drinking in Shreveport
-cheering for the Spurs
-MS1 Carrel Games (a.k.a. field day elementary school style). I was our carrel's captain! And we won!
-learned how to SAVE LIVES (while hungover... oops). Don't worry, I Heimliched and CPRed with full force. Maybe my breath was still slightly alcoholic, but I inflated that dummy's lungs like whoa. This is probably the one useful "medical" skill I have learned all year (i.e. the skills people expect you to have when they panic and scream "Is there a doctor in the house?")
-went to a dressy dinner and the ballet on Saturday
-cooked/drank wine at a professor's house on Sunday

Yeah, I'm just classy like that. Except for the heavy drinking part. Now I will study, but my hand feels clumsy and a bit dysfunctional from the WEEK of study-less atrophy. I ain't writing real good right now.


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