Friday, August 29, 2008

why are you asking me this?

I have never in my life been asked, so often and so frequently, the question that seems to bombard me from every angle these days.

Point blank: "Are you single?"

And it's not even coming from guys trying to hit on me. It's from deans and attendings and chief residents and residency advisors trying to help me assess how best to proceed with my career. I get that it impacts tons of people's decisions on a specialty choice, lifestyle, geographic constraints for a wife's career, kids in school, family in the area, whatever. I get that part of it, I really do. But it still shocks me a little each time someone asks me so bluntly.

I've tried to address the whole personal life issue by saying, "I have no geographic constraints and would not hesitate to move anywhere for a great residency program." Then, for good measure, I wave my unadorned left hand around. No, I'm just kidding. I honestly did not expect the whole personal life vs. career balance issue to come up so early - I'm having a hard time even imagining myself married - but apparently my superiors expect someone at my life stage to take these things into consideration.

So... the answer is yes. And as one attending said to me today with a huge smile, "Good for you! That's great, you're so free to do as you please!"

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