Monday, October 30, 2006

i'm dumb

The Scene:
Last week while studying at Starbucks, there was a guy wearing a Princeton hoodie sitting at the next table. While this may be a common occurrence in NY, I rarely-to-almost-never meet a fellow Princeton alum here in Texas. Except for that one time last month when a Princeton '04 guy came to one of my shows. Moving on. I glance over, and he's reading a radiology textbook. I don't normally talk to strangers, but this seems too coincidental even for me.

Hey, sorry to interrupt, but... did you go to Princeton?

Princeton hoodie
Yeah (looks at me in bewilderment).

Haha sorry to confuse you, I did too, and it's pretty rare to see a fellow alum down here. '05.

Princeton hoodie
Oh um wow. Um, '94.

(momentarily stunned to discover that this man is 11 years older despite looking not a day over 25). Oh uh cool.

Princeton hoodie
(glancing at measly 2nd year EKG interpretation textbook). So, you're a medical student?

Yeah... I take it you're in the medical field.

Princeton hoodie
Yeah, I'm a radiologist. (read: I make tons of money).

This conversation continues along the lines of old Princeton stories, medical school horror stories, our brief life histories, and my current (lack of) involvement in the Dallas Princeton Alumni Association. He randomly offers to forward me information about the PAA and I unwittingly give him my email address.

Only now, an email later, do I realize: this is how people "meet" in the real world with the intention of dating. So far I am 0 for 2 in realizing when random men are trying to ask me out.



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